Guidance Note: Joint Engagement of World Service Programs and Member Churches

Practical collaboration based on joint calling and distinct mandates

The Guidance Note aims to provide inspiration and practical recommendations for meaningful joint engagement of LWF’s member churches and the World Service country and emergency programs. It is offered as a resource to affirm and deepen mutual understanding of the joint calling and distinct mandates of LWF’s humanitarian and development arm and the churches’ witness. The four case studies featured in the publication illustrate good practices of existing collaboration. In a wider sense, this document may also provide some orientation for LWF’s programs that work in collaboration with other faith-based communities.

Design and Layout: Weaver Creative

Guidance Note: Joint Engagement of World Service Programs and Member Churches
Herausgeber: Allan Calma & Marina Dölker | Copy Editor: Daphne Gayle
ISBN: 978-2-940642-20-5 (EN) | 978-2-940642-21-2 (ES) | 978-2-940642-22-9 (FR)
Seiten: 36
Datum der Veröffentlichung: April 2021