Sally Azar, LWB-Ratsmitglied und Absolventin des Studiengangs interkulturelle Theologie der Universität Göttingen, spricht über ihre anstehende Ordination. Sie hofft, dass dadurch die Gendergerechtigkeit in der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in…
Candidates in LWF member churches in Africa are invited to apply for the Theology, Gender Justice and Leadership Education training under the Hélène Ralivao Fund. The deadline is 30 December.
Women theologians and leaders from The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have formed a network with a goal to promote women leadership with…
LWF WICAS Meeting Affirms Past and Present Contribution of Women in the Church
(LWI) – Nineteen female theologians representing eight countries in Eastern and Central Europe gathered in Hungary last month to reflect on the contribution…