Council 2013 - Council Documents
The Lutheran World Federation
Juni 2013
English, Deutsch, Español, Français
Council 2013 - Council Documents
The LWF’s governing body between Assemblies came together for its annual meeting in 2013 under the theme, “Called to be disciples in today’s world.”
Highlights included
- President’s address
- Report from the General Secretary
- Program framework for the Reformation anniversary “Luther 2017: 500 Years of Reformation”
- Intergenerational dialogue meeting | Dialogue session between generations to envision a sustainable LWF
- Proposal for an LWF Gender Policy
- Launch of From Conflict to Communion | Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity
- Roll-out of new LWF visual identity
Participation was by invitation.
Address of the President - EN
Claiming the gift of communion in a fragmented world | Council Exhibit (9.0.1) - EN
Die Gabe der Gemeinschaft in einer zersplitterten Welt bekräftigen | Ratsdokument (Anlage 9.0.1)
Reivindicación del don de comunión en un mundo fragmentado | Documento del Consejo (9.0.1)
Affirmer le don de la Communion dans un monde fragmenté | Document du Conseil (9.0.1)
Claiming the gift of communion in a fragmented world | Lutheran World Information - EN
Claiming the gift of communion in a fragmented world | Message of the Council of the LWF - EN
Die Gabe der Gemeinschaft in einer zersplitterten Welt bekräftigen | Botschaft des LWB-Rates
Reivindicación del don de comunión en un mundo fragmentado | Mensaje del Consejo
Affirmer le don de la Communion dans un monde fragmenté | Message du Conseil
From Conflict to Communion | Lutheran-Roman Catholic Common Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017
From Conflict to Communion | Response | Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan - EN
From Conflict to Communion | Response | Bishop em. Eero Huovinen
From Conflict to Communion | Roman Catholic Press Statement | Prof. Dr Wolfgang Thönissen
Vom Konflikt zur Gemeinschaft | Presseinformation von katholischer Seite | Prof. Dr Wolfgang Thönissen
Vom Konflikt zur Gemeinschaft | Hauptreferat | Kurt Kardinal Koch
Greetings | Anglican Communion
Greetings | Anglican Communion
Greetings | Global Christian Forum
Greetings | Pentecostal Churches
Report of the General Secretary
Grusswort | Päpstlicher Rat zur Förderung der Einheit der Christen
Report of the Chairperson of the Finance Committee
Report of the Special Committee "Luther 2017: 500 Years of Reformation"
Resolutions | Council 2013
Resolutionen | Ratstagung 2013
Resoluciones | Reunión del Consejo 2013
Résolutions | Réunion du Conseil 2013
Sermon | Opening Worship
Statement on Central America
Öffentliche Erklärung zu Mittelamerika
Statement on Freedom of Religion or Belief
Öffentliche Erklärung zu Religions- und Glaubensfreiheit
Welcoming the Stranger: Affirmations for Faith Leaders
Fremde willkommen heissen - Selbstverpflichtungen von Religionsführerinnen und Religionsführern
Acoger al extranjero: afirmaciones de líderes de comunidades basadas en la fe
Accueillir l’étranger - affirmations des chefs religieux