Chancen und Herausforderungen für die ganzheitliche Mission
Mitgliedskirchen in der lutherischen Gemeinschaft in Asien streben ein ganzheitliches Verständnis der lutherischen Identität in einer religiös und kulturell vielfältigen…
LWF Supports Initiatives That Promote Food Security and Climate Justice
(LWI) - Initially 21-year-old Honduran Ana Clementina Reyes, did not want to participate in the Community Environmental Promoters course because she thought it would…
LWF Intervention Prevents Emergency from Deteriorating into Disaster
(LWI) - In the southern Angolan provinces of Cunene and Huila, more than 600,000 people face severe food and water shortages, including a lack of pastures for animals,…
LWF WICAS Meeting Affirms Past and Present Contribution of Women in the Church
(LWI) – Nineteen female theologians representing eight countries in Eastern and Central Europe gathered in Hungary last month to reflect on the contribution…
(LWI) – As The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) embarks on its monthly Day of Fasting for the Climate, the seven young delegates who launched the campaign reflected on it as a galvanizing act…