LWF Member Churches Working Together to Alleviate Suffering
(LWI) – A prolonged drought spell has led to a food and water crisis in Namibia, with some areas facing the worst situation in 30 years. The Lutheran World Federation (…
LWB fordert Frieden in Syrien und sagt Verstärkung der humanitären Hilfe zu
(LWI) – Der Lutherische Weltbund (LWB) hat gemeinsam mit Kirchenleitenden aus Russland, Syrien, der Türkei, den Vereinigten Staaten und der Europäischen Union…
Danish Minister Christian Bach Urges More Aid for Refugees and Host Communities
(LWI) - The Danish Minister for Development Cooperation Christian Friis Bach accompanied Crown Princess Mary on a visit in August to the Za’atri refugee camp…
Christian – Muslim Humanitarian Partnership Workshop Endorses Closer Cooperation
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has affirmed its commitment to closer collaboration with Muslim partners in humanitarian response, saying working…