(LWI) – Bischöfinnen und Bischöfe der lutherischen Kirchengemeinschaft haben sich hinter die Forderungen der Delegation des Lutherischen Weltbundes (LWB) und anderer religiöser Organisationen auf der …
At the start of the 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence, a young Rwandan advocate reflects on the role of theology to promote transformation, equality and inclusivity within the church and beyond
The intersection of faith language and human rights discourse was crucial during the drafting of the LWF Gender Justice Policy over a decade ago and it remains at the heart of the work to take forward that legacy today
Over a decade on from the launch of LWF’s Gender Justice Policy, participants in a three-day consultation reaffirm the importance of keeping the communion’s advocacy work rooted in the liberating message of Lutheran theology.
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(LWI) – Der Lutherische Weltbund (LWB) hat sein jährlich stattfindendes Ausbildungsprogramm zu Theologie, Gendergerechtigkeit und Führungskompetenzen (Theology, Gender…