AMMAN, JORDAN 27 February 2015 - At the start of every negotiation session between the Syrian regime and the opposition—whether in Geneva, in Cairo or in Moscow—the participants have observed a moment of silence to honor Syria’s fallen…
LWB fordert Frieden in Syrien und sagt Verstärkung der humanitären Hilfe zu
(LWI) – Der Lutherische Weltbund (LWB) hat gemeinsam mit Kirchenleitenden aus Russland, Syrien, der Türkei, den Vereinigten Staaten und der Europäischen Union…
LWF Peace Oasis in Za’atari refugee camp offers hope for young refugees from Syria
(LWI) - “The LWF programs are useful because they help us to achieve our goals,” says Sumayah Hassan Al-Salem. The 19-year-old is a refugee from Syria and…
Support for those working to alleviate suffering and those working for peace
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has adopted a resolution on the war in Syria and appealed for peace. The resolution was adopted by the 10-16 May Twelfth…