I happened to be at the UN early one morning, to drop off information about a side panel discussion and noticed the sheer volume of discarded cups and half empty crumpled water bottles littering the tables in the…
The “spirit of Geneva” was strong, according to the representative from Venezuela, as she made her closing comments to the parties and observers gathered at the Palais des Nations at the end of the 8-13…
“My faith teaches that compassion, mercy, love and hospitality are for everyone: the native born and the foreign born; the member of my community and the newcomer. I will remember and remind members of my community that we are all considered “…
A reflection on three aspects of a preacher and preaching
Lutherans understand that the preached Word of God (viva vox evangelii – the living word of the gospel) is essential for the life of the church. Echoing the apostle Paul’s…
As we consider how best to organize and structure worship in a time of pandemic, a guiding question is one that applies to every situation: does the liturgy translate the Gospel for this moment, in this context?…
Der LWB stellt Gottesdienstbausteine für den Reformationstag zur Verfügung. Sie stehen auf der LWB-Website in vier Sprachen zur Verfügung und tragen dazu bei, einen Tag der Erneuerung und Versöhnung zu feiern. …