Lutheran – Reformed dialogue

Relations between the LWF and the World Communion of Reformed Churches

Lutherans and Reformed Christians enjoy a “special theological relationship” which has allowed churches in some parts of the world to enter into full communion of ministry and sacraments.

In 1968, an ad hoc Lutheran-Reformed Evaluating Committee stated that dialogue should be encouraged and coordinated by the LWF and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC). Two decades later, in 1988, the first round of international dialogue suggested that all Lutheran and Reformed churches should enter into fellowship but this recommendation has still not been received on a global level.

In 2010, WARC joined with the Reformed Ecumenical Council to form the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC). In 2017, the LWF signed the Wittenberg Witness with the WCRC, affirming the call to continued renewal and cooperation and committing “to explore new forms of life together that will more fully express the communion we already have in Christ.”


LWF General Secretary, Rev. Dr Martin Junge, addressing the WCRC Executive Committee in May 2019. Photo: WCRC/P. Tanis


Rev. Dr Dirk Lange
Assistant General Secretary for Ecumenical Relations

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