Lutheran – Orthodox dialogue

Relations between the LWF and the Eastern Orthodox Churches

High-level visits and discussions between the LWF and the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the spiritual leadership of the Orthodox world, began in 1967. Plans for a global ecumenical dialogue between the two sides began shortly afterwards and were developed over the following decade.

The international Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission met for the first time in Espoo, Finland, in 1981 and has been working continuously since then, creating common ground on different topics and agreeing on a number of joint statements.

Significant common statements include Salvation: Grace, Justification and Synergy (1998) and Baptism and Chrismation as Sacraments of Initiation into the Church (2004). The topic of the current phase of dialogue, which began in 2019, is focused on the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church.


Members of the international Lutheran-Orthodox Commission meeting with Archbishop Anastasios in Albania in 2019. All photos: N. Hoppe

Key Themes
  • Divine Revelation
  • Scripture and Tradition
  • Canon and Inspiration
  • Sacraments
  • Apostolic succession and ordination
  • Ministry/Priesthood
  • Holy Spirit
  • 2012 - 2014 – Preparatory meetings for the 16th session of the Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission
  • 2013 – Preparations for 16th session of the Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission
  • 2015 – Plenary meeting of the Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission on Ministry/Priesthood
  • 2015 Reception of the plenary report of the Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission on Ministry/Priesthood by the LWF Council


Rev. Dr Dirk Lange
Assistant General Secretary for Ecumenical Relations

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