Support to people affected by flooding in Poland

The LWF Poland country program has launched a collection drive in Zgierz to support those affected by the devastating floods in Southern Poland. Ukrainian refugees, among others, have contributed significantly to the aid efforts.

20 Sep 2024
Water and non-perishable food were among the things people donated. Photo: LWF Poland

Water and non-perishable food were among the things people donated. Photo: LWF Poland

Collection of water, food and other relief goods

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Poland country program has started collections for people affected by the floods in Southern Poland. On Monday, the team launched a call for donations in Zgierz. LWF runs a community center for refugees from Ukraine and their host community there. 

"Not remain indifferent" 

"When we saw the photos and heard about the scale of the damage caused by the flood, we couldn't remain indifferent. We decided to act and organize this collection to support those affected by this devastating event as best as possible, " said Wojciech Bereżewski, LWF Team Leader at the   Zgierz Community Center. "Our goal is to provide them with necessities and assistance during these challenging times." 
