Europe: LWF’s solidarity amid devastating floods

LWF expresses solidarity with churches and communities affected by devastating floods in Central and Eastern Europe.

17 Sep 2024
Devastation following heavy rainfall and flooding across several countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Iron Bridge in Kłodzko, Poland, 15 September 2024. Photo: Jacek Halicki (CC-BY-SA)

Devastation following heavy rainfall and flooding across several countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Iron Bridge in Kłodzko, Poland, 15 September 2024. Photo: Jacek Halicki (CC-BY-SA)

General Secretary Burghardt assures churches of LWF’s commitment to stand “by your side”

(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) assures churches and communities across Central and Eastern Europe: “We are committed to standing by your side and supporting you as we can,” amid devastating floods in several countries in the region.

In a letter to leaders of LWF member churches affected by the disaster in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany (Bavaria and Saxony), Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Anne Burghardt expressed the communion’s solidarity with all those who are suffering due to this natural disaster. The widespread flooding has led to loss of lives, destruction of homes, churches, and other infrastructure.

Burghardt offered prayers “for the safety and well-being of all those affected, and for the strength and resilience of the emergency responders and volunteers who are working tirelessly to provide relief and support.”

Heavy rainfall from the Storm Boris over the last few days is reported to have led to some of the most serious flooding across the region in almost three decades. Several people have been reported dead, and thousands have been evacuated after rivers burst their banks.

The LWF member churches in the affected region are the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, Silesian Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary, Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland, Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Romania, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Romania, and the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in the Slovak Republic. Also included are the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Austria, and in Germany - the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony.

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LWF/P. Mumia