An Easter message from the LWF, written by the vice president for Asia, reflects on the good news and call to action contained in the resurrection story.

The empty tomb on Easter day calls Christians to “make disciples of all nations.” Photo by Jonny Gios – Unsplash
LWF’s vice president for Asia says the resurrection empowers us to respond to the Great Commission
(LWI) - Resurrection is not only about celebration, but also about action, as Christians are called to teach and proclaim the gospel to “make disciples of all nations.”
In an Easter message to all member churches of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Rev. Chang Chun Wa Ben, vice president for LWF’s Asia region and former bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong, reflects on the account of the resurrection in the gospel of St Mark (16: 1-8).
He notes how the women, on arriving at the empty tomb are given two messages by “a young man dressed in a white robe.” The first is the news that “Jesus is risen,” the second is to “tell the disciples and Peter to meet him in Galilee.”
Rev. Chang explores the implications of the message that Jesus is risen from the dead, thereby overcoming the influence of death. “All things that are based on death will not contribute to the live-giving reality for which we yearn,” he says.
The second message, he reflects, tells us that "Jesus is in a hurry; he will be waiting for Peter and the other disciples in Galilee,” the place where he mostly carried out his earthly ministry. It is in Galilee that Jesus will “give his Great Commission to them: Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations.”
Resurrection, therefore, “empowers us to respond to the Great Commission: to make disciples, baptize them and teach them about the kingdom of God.” Rev. Chang concludes: “Let us be people who live by the power of the resurrection [....] proclaiming the gospel, inviting people into God’s community through baptism and teaching all that Jesus has commanded us.”
2024 Easter Message
Today, the Easter message comes from the Gospel of Mark 16:1-8. Mark gives an account of the resurrection. In the tomb, a young man dressed in a white robe conveyed two messages to the women. First, Jesus is risen, and second: tell the disciples and Peter to meet him in Galilee.
The first message announces that Jesus is risen from the dead. Hallelujah! Death is defeated by the Lord. Jesus overcame the influence of death. There is no more cruelty, hatred and hostility. Often, we observe people construct their authority with these attitudes. But we don't need these attitudes to maintain our life. All things that are based on death will not contribute to the life-giving reality for which we yearn.
However, the resurrection brings us love, hope, and kindness. When we reflect on the first creation in the Garden of Eden, we are reminded about developing our life in peace, unity, and friendship. Today, let us not go back to the path of death, but instead let our life focus on the resurrection. It is here we can truly find hope that contributes to reconciliation and unity.
The second message is after the resurrection. Jesus is in a hurry; he will be waiting for Peter and the other disciples in Galilee. What does this mean? Galilee is the place where Jesus mostly did his ministry: healing, teaching and performing miracles and much more. In Galilee, Jesus will give his Great Commission to them.
“Go, therefore and, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you
– Matthew 28:18-20
Resurrection is not only about celebration. It is about action. Resurrection empowers us to respond to the Great Commission: to make disciples, baptize them, and teach them about the kingdom of God.
Today the message of Easter is: Let us be people who live by the power of the resurrection, and not live in death.
Resurrection brings action that results in proclaiming the gospel, inviting people into God's community through baptism, and teaching all that Jesus has commanded us.
Give your best to the living Christ!
Rev. Chang Chun Wa, Ben, LWF Vice-President for Asia, is a former bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong