Strengthening faith and community: General Secretary visits Slovenia

On the first day of her visit to Slovenia, LWF General Secretary Anne Burghardt met with young Lutherans, pastors, and parish leaders, hearing their hopes for the church, its outreach, and ongoing witness in the country.

04 Mar 2025
General Secretary Burghardt and LWF Head of Communications Arni Danielsson with the bishop and pastors of the church. Photo: LWF/A. Danielsson

General Secretary Burghardt and LWF Head of Communications Arni Danielsson with the bishop and pastors of the church. Photo: LWF/A. Danielsson

First day of visit includes vibrant worship, music and meetings with pastors and youth

(LWI) – An evening gathering where young Slovenians shared their hopes and concerns for the Lutheran church was a highlight of the first day of The Lutheran World Federation’s (LWF) visit to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Slovenia.

Youth from Lutheran parishes across the country reflected on their experiences from a recent weekend of worship, discussions, and fellowship. Organized entirely by the young people themselves, the gathering was a moment to build stronger connections. Singing played a central role in their time together.

“Church is like a second home for me,” some of the young people shared, describing their local parishes as communities where they find support, understanding, and opportunities to grow in faith and as individuals. They also discussed the role of new media in reaching their peers, highlighting how short videos explaining theology and Bible verses on social media are sparking renewed interest in church life.

Looking ahead, the youth are planning cross-border gatherings with Lutheran peers in Croatia and Serbia. Encouraging their enthusiasm, LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr. Anne Burghardt emphasized the importance of creating spaces where young people can help shape the future of the church, both locally and beyond.

Lent as a time of solidarity and love

The day began with a service at the Martin Lutheran Evangelical Church in Murska Sobota, where General Secretary Burghardt preached on the meaning of Lent. Her sermon, based on Isaiah 58, reflected on fasting as a call to solidarity and justice.

General Secretary Burghardt preached on Isaiah 58 and the meaning of Lent and fasting. Photo: LWF/A. Danielsson

General Secretary Burghardt preached on Isaiah 58 and the meaning of Lent and fasting. Photo: LWF/A. Danielsson

General Secretary Burghardt and Bishop Leon Novak holding a replica of the historic Lund Cross which was a gift to the church — in Murska Sobota, Slovenia. Photo: LWF/A. Danielsson

General Secretary Burghardt and Bishop Leon Novak holding a replica of the historic Lund Cross which was a gift to the church — in Murska Sobota, Slovenia. Photo: LWF/A. Danielsson

The LWF delegation with the young people who shared their hopes and visions for the church. Photo: LWF/A. Danielsson

The LWF delegation with the young people who shared their hopes and visions for the church. Photo: LWF/A. Danielsson

In her message, Rev. Dr. Burghardt emphasized that fasting is not only about personal sacrifice but also about opening oneself to the needs of others. Acts of compassion and justice, she noted, are central to Christian discipleship. “Our faith calls us not to a fasting that turns inward, but one that opens doors—to feed the hungry, to welcome the stranger, to share hope.”

The service in Murska Sobota set the tone for the days ahead, during which Rev. Dr. Burghardt and LWF Head of Communication Rev. Arni Danielsson are meeting with church leaders, clergy, and young people across Slovenia. They are hosted by Bishop Leon Novak, who leads the Slovenian church.

The General Secretary also had the opportunity to meet with the church’s pastors to learn more about their ministry and the challenges they face. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Slovenia has congregations ranging from 50 to 2,000 members, with a total of 10,000 members across the country.

A musical conclusion

The day concluded with a concert featuring Eben Ezer, a local church youth band that played spiritual songs to a full congregation. All its members are part of the church’s youth group and have been performing together since their confirmation. Their music was warmly received, bringing an uplifting end to an inspiring day.

LWF/A. Danielsson