Reflections on 2022 GEM School for an Economy of Life
Some 30 highly motivated people of all ages and nationalities, representing different Christian denominations, met in Berlin in the first week of July for in-depth discussions on…
The problem of prolonged drought here in Oxavikwa, Kuroca municipality, started in 2011 after heavy rains of 2010, which caused heavy flood losses to our field crops.
During the Luther Decade, which culminates in 2017 with the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the LWF has organized a series of seminars to help Lutherans from across the world to…
The Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil (IECLB) has a significant history in promoting gender justice and equality for women and 7 March 2014 was a special day for all of us who work for gender…
I just returned to Canada after four days at the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, Switzerland. Four days of deliberation, of exploration, of consideration concerning the ever elusive answer to the…
The contexts of the different members of the working group are so different that I expected endless discussions without a possibility of convergence. But actually we did not compete in the…