Rodolfo Christian Catunta Uturunco, National Youth Coordinator, Bolivian Evangelical Lutheran Church. Photo: Private
Come, Let Us Celebrate Together – Youth reflections on climate, gender justice, and migration
I joined The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region Youth Network in 2023. Following my integration, I felt the call to also serve as part of the network’s coordination team, because I love to learn and exchange experiences with others. And, I learned a lot from young leaders in LWF’s member churches in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay and other countries in the region.
Youth in LAC participate in different LWF-related activities in the region and globally, where they also take leadership for liturgy, Bible study and devotion. That has inspired projects such as the devotional guide Come, Let Us Celebrate Together. I participated in its editorial process. When I read the final draft, I noticed that this guide reflects topics that are important for youth in my region, and I also see that different churches have been collaborating with its development.
Devotion is very important for the youth and for people of all generations in our churches, because in each moment of reflecting on a biblical passage, prayer, and song, we have time to focus on specific challenges. We want these reflections to be the starting point to take action, instead of remaining as simple spectators of a problem.

Participants from the LAC region lead evening devotion at the September 2023 LWF Youth Pre-Assembly in Wisła Malinka, Poland. Photo: LWF/Johanan Celine Valeriano
One communion, global challenges
Come, Let Us Celebrate Together covers four topics, three of which are related to challenges in our region: climate justice, gender justice, and migration. And the last one, shows how churches can be more connected in this world through webinars.
For me, gender justice means that every person, no matter their gender, can live with dignity, and without violence or any type of discrimination. But in my country, this is sometimes difficult specially for women. According to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Bolivia recorded one of the highest rates of femicide in South America in 2021, with almost two out of every 100,000 women murdered in the course of that year alone. By using the devotions in our resource, I think the youth and people of all generations can find a starting point to see that this kind of violence and discrimination should not take part in our faith communities, because all of us are created in the image of God. Therefore, we cannot discriminate against any person because of their gender.
This devotional guide provides examples of how the people of God can collaborate and share their views on the problems they see in their contexts. It shows how the Bible addresses such issues, and helps us to connect with God and with our brothers and sisters. I also encourage other LWF youth networks to start developing devotional guides with other topics that are relevant to their contexts. I hope the whole LWF community can use this devotional manual, not only for reading but also as resource to reflect on the challenges that we see in different parts of the world. I hope we can think about projects and ways to take action in order to bring transformation in our communities.
I hope the whole LWF community can use this devotional manual … also as resource to reflect on the challenges that we see in different parts of the world
Rodolfo Christian Catunta Uturunco, National Youth Coordinator, Bolivian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Belonging to the LAC Youth Network and to the LWF communion has given me a better understanding of the world, and encouraged me to take action in addressing the challenges in my country.