The Study Guide for the Thirteenth Assembly was published in March. On Wednesday 29 March the LWF Communion Office will host a launch event to give you a look behind the scenes and answer questions about how the Study Guide was prepared, how it is structured and how it will be used across the communion as we prepare for the assembly.
LWF forms strategic advisory group on theological education and formation
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation is taking steps towards creating a network to strengthen theological education and formation across the communion.
“Our energy… comes from the gifts we have freely received”
(LWI) - A warm and joyful Eucharist service marked the opening of the Lutheran World Federation 2018 Council meeting this morning. 48 Council members from LWF member churches,…
Report of the LWF General Secretary to the Council
LWI - In the coming years, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will work to further support member churches in their ministry and to strengthen the witness of the church in the world, LWF…
Year-end results for 2017 contribute to financial stability
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) continues to report sound financial progress, recording a balanced budget and growth across the organization.
(LWI) - The new strategy of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) for the years 2019 to 2024 was approved by the LWF Council today. Titled “With Passion for the Church and for the World” it sets…
(LWI) - The LWF Council has voted to welcome with joy three new member churches to the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). They are the Christ Lutheran Church (India), the United Evangelical…