“One Body, One Spirit, One Hope”

Report of the Thirteenth LWF Assembly

The Thirteenth Assembly report highlights key moments of the highest decision-making body of the LWF, meeting 13-19 September 2023 in Kraków, Poland, and LWF’s priority commitments for the next seven years. 

It includes the Assembly message, public statements and resolutions; the keynote address and other presentations on the assembly theme; and reports on LWF’s work over a seven-year period. Also featured is daily worship and Bible study; a session dedicated to LWF’s ecumenical engagement; and greetings from the host church and city, and from ecumenical and development partners.

“One Body, One Spirit, One Hope” – Report of the Thirteenth LWF Assembly
Editor: Pauline Mumia, Arni Danielsson
ISBN: 978-2-940642-81-6
Pages: 304
Publication date: June 2024