LWF Regional Secretary Rev. Dr. Ireneusz Lukas delivers a greeting at the CPCE assembly in Sibiu. Photo: Elfriede Dörr
Protestant churches must stand together during times of crisis
(LWI) - Addressing the 2024 General Assembly of the Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE), LWF Regional Secretary for Europe Rev. Dr. Ireneusz Lukas emphasized the vital role Protestant churches must play in these challenging times. He called on churches to be “communities of hope,” actively working towards change, justice, and reconciliation, rather than passively waiting for better days.
Hope is a call to action, said Rev. Lukas, it is “active engagement in bringing about change, justice, and reconciliation.”
The Assembly, held from 26 August to 2 September 2024, brought together representatives from 96 Lutheran, Methodist, Reformed, and United churches under the theme “In the Light of Christ—Called to Hope.”
Facing global challenges
The CPCE unites churches from over thirty countries in Europe and South America, that have signed the Leuenberg Concord. The communion represents altogether around 50 million Protestants.
"Both the LWF and CPCE share a profound commitment to the unity of the Church and the proclamation of the Gospel, said the LWF regional secretary. Our communions have distinct tasks, roles, and responsibilities, but “our common journey is deeply rooted in the principles of the Reformation, which continue to inspire our ecumenical endeavors today," he added.
Participants at the Assembly engaged in candid discussions about the many challenges confronting churches, societies, and individuals today. One of the key topics was the ongoing war in Ukraine. Rev. Dr Lukas highlighted the importance of confronting difficult realities head-on: In seeking living hope amidst the war in Ukraine, the protestant churches see the pain and suffering, and we are convinced that that “by naming these challenges, we can reach the true sources of hope.”
While our communions have distinct tasks, roles, and responsibilities, both the LWF and CPCE share a profound commitment to the unity of the Church and the proclamation of the Gospel.
Rev. Dr. Ireneusz LUKAS, LWF Regional Secretary for Europe
Outward-looking churches
The LWF regional secretary also drew upon insights from Czech theologian Tomáš Halík, who spoke at the LWF Assembly in Kraków in 2023. He echoed Halík's call for churches to extend hope to all people, regardless of faith or belief. Recognizing the unity of the human family “is an eschatological goal, but [...] we have an important step to take here and now. It consists of recognizing and acknowledging – with all its implications – that all people are our siblings, that they have equal rights to recognition of their dignity, to our acceptance in respect, love, and solidarity.”
Concluding his address, Rev. Lukas prayed for abundant hope, inspired by God’s love for all creation, and for Christ’s light to guide and illuminate even the darkest times.