European churches: past memories, present relationships

Delegates from LWF member churches across Europe hear how churches in the Czech Republic are responding to the challenges of secularism

09 Oct 2024
Rev. Pavel Pokorný, leader of the Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren

Rev. Pavel Pokorný, leader of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, welcomed delegates from LWF member churches across Europe. Photo: LWF/Šárka Jelenová

At the start of LWF’s European Regions Meeting, delegates are encouraged to draw strength from God’s promises 

(LWI) - What is the role of “memories, narratives and witnesses” in shaping the future of churches in rapidly changing societies. At the start of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) European Regions Meeting, taking place in Prague from 8 to 11 October, Rev. Pavel Pokorný, leader of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (ECCB), urged participants to remember the Biblical stories of God’s faithfulness to his people and to ask “which of today’s stories will endure” for future generations of Christians? 

During opening worship in the ancient church of St Martin in the Wall, Pokorný recalled the stories of his own church “from the times of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, from the time of tolerance and from the two periods of (Nazi and Communist) totalitarianism.” He noted that memory “gives us fixed points of reference, co-creates our identity and gives orientation, both to individuals and to communities.” 

Rather than simply storing information, he said, “memory is relationship” linking the past with the present and the future. Remembering the narratives of God’s faithfulness to the people of the Old Testament and the good news of Jesus’ Resurrection recounted in the Gospels, he said "we are freed to come alive in the face of our fears and helplessness, in the face of sin and darkness of the world.” 

Opening worship service of European Region's Meeting

Rev. Olga Navrátilová presided at the opening worship service of European Region's Meeting in Prague. Photo: LWF/Šárka Jelenová

The European Region's Meeting brings together delegates from the LWF member churches in Europe.

The European Region's Meeting brings together delegates from the LWF member churches in Europe. Photo: LWF/Šárka Jelenová

Opening worship service of European Region's Meeting

The opening worship service took place in the historic church of St-Martin-in-the-Wall. Photo: LWF/Šárka Jelenová

Searching for connections 

Representatives from LWF member churches across Europe are gathered to discuss the common challenges they face in increasingly secular societies. The meeting is taking place in an ECCB church in Prague’s Smíchov district. Its pastor, Rev. Jonatan Hudec, noted that the church, which marks its 100th anniversary this year, offers a vibrant, multifunctional community space for cultural, social and educational activities, including a café, concerts, and theatre productions.

ECCB Synod Senior Pokorný spoke about Czech society, which ranks as the world’s third most secular country in a 2024 survey by the World Population Review. He described the work of the church as “looking for connections” with people, including those who describe themselves as “nones,” or no religious identity, but are often searching for spirituality or a sense of meaning in their lives.

Rev. Pokorný pointed to the parable of the sower as an inspiration for the church’s mission, sharing the “seed of the Gospel” with people in an honest and humble way. Rather than fearing for the future of our institutions, he stressed, “a healthy self-confidence and sense of openness is needed” to foster personal relationships and create “pioneering communities of faith.”

During this time of transition, participants were reminded, churches must not be prisoners of past experiences but should draw strength from God’s promises to offer an open and inclusive welcome to all people, especially the weakest and most vulnerable members of society. While recalling the courageous examples of Christian witnesses from past generations, Pokorný concluded, we must remember that “we belong to Christ, but Christ does not belong to us.”

The European Regions’ Meeting takes place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 8-11 October 2024. Delegates from LWF member churches in Europe gather to reflect on the evolving Lutheran journey in today’s rapidly changing Europe. The meeting is hosted by the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethern.

LWF/P. Hitchen