Part 09: Bible study John 9, 1 - 38: Be light in the darkness!
Part 09: Bible study John 9, 1 - 38: Be light in the darkness!
Claudia Soliette Lopez Ortega from the Lutheran Church "Fe y Esperanza" of Nicaragua (ILFE) takes a closer look at the text of John 9, 1 - 38 entitled "Be a light in the darkness! The work analyses one of Jesus' miracles, where a man who was born blind receives the gift of sight. It shows the relentless insistence of the Pharisees to prosecute Jesus, in a context where poverty and sickness were considered a punishment. The healing, then, not only placed Jesus as a possible rebel, but also as someone who violated the laws, for having performed the miracle on the Sabbath. The analysis of the text deals with the reality and context in which the event takes place, but also analyses the current situation, making comparisons and asking questions, which help to contextualise the situation. Finally, it offers a reflection, in which the author recounts part of her experience of working with people with HIV and the importance of a good reading of the biblical texts, so as not to remain with the idea that the disease appears as a punishment from God.