Opportunities and challenges for holistic mission
The two member churches in the Lutheran Communion in North America carry out their holistic mission in a diverse and pluralistic context. The member churches of the region:
- strive to strengthen evangelical witness and proclamation of God’s saving grace through the gospel, especially by renewing congregations and ministries within a pluralistic society
- live in ecumenical partnership and collaboration
- are emboldened by the gift of God’s grace poured out for the sake of the world and therefore proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed, serving all people and striving for justice and peace in all the world
- are deeply rooted in global relationships, recognizing that the body of Christ is interconnected and always being made new and in mission for others.
In North America, the church has an opportunity to rethink mission and ministry. Historical ways of working as a church are becoming less and less certain as the population ages, becomes more diverse and with fewer people involved in church life.

Devotionals from the COL of the Americas, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil, which took place between April 15 and 19, 2024. Photo: LWF/E. Albrecht

Sponsorship made it possible for the Syrian family of four to resettle in a safe place where they can educate their children, work and become part of a community. Photo: ELCIC Communications

Intergenerational discussion at the Latin America and the Caribbean & North America Leadership Conference in 2019. Photo: LWF/A. Danielsson
Communion relationships
The Lutheran Communion in North America works to strengthen relationships with partners – Lutheran, other Christian churches and those of other faiths – by hosting, convening and participating in events that allow for learning, collaboration and service.
Minority church context
The synods of the two member churches in the Lutheran Communion in North America vary greatly in size, geography, membership, staffing and programming.
Networks facilitate mutual accompaniment.
- The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC)
- Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR)
- ELCIC Group Services Inc. (GSI)
- The Lutheran Council in Canada (LCIC)
The two member churches in North America have many ecumenical and interreligious partners, related agencies and companion relationships with other LWF member churches among the LWF regions.
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