Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
What We Do We work with member churches, country programs and partner organizations to promote justice, peace, reconciliation and dignity for individuals and communities.
Member Churches LWF membership represents over 78 million Christians in the Lutheran tradition in 99 countries across the globe. It has 150 member churches, including two associate member churches, as well as ten recognized churches and congregations, and two recognized councils.
LWF related subsites Related Subsites LWF Thirteenth Assembly – 2023.lwfassembly.org [EN | DE | ES | FR | PL] Reformation 2017 – 2017.…
Get Involved We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition on a common journey of renewal We strive to put our faith into action within and beyond the communion, and seek God’s Word and Spirit to guide us
Donate Now Your partnership truly makes a difference.Together, a better world is possible.With Passion for the Church and for the World.
Orthodox perspectives on path to church unity Theologian, Dr Nathan Hoppe, on the church in Albania and the challenges of Lutheran-Orthodox dialogue
LWF sends Eid greetings to Muslim and interfaith partner organizations Strengthening cooperation with Islamic Relief Worldwide and Network of Religious and Traditional Peacemakers
LWF appeals for an end to violence in Jerusalem Statement calls on churches to pray for peace, justice and an end to forced evictions of Palestinian families
Indigenous Peoples reflect on Economy of Life Webinar explores spirituality, sustainability and struggle for self-determination of indigenous communities
Religious leaders call on G7 for vaccine equity Faith leaders remind wealthy nations of “moral obligation” to end vaccine nationalism
5 Jul – 10 Jul 2021 Seminar: Similarities and differences between ecumenical and interreligious dialogues