LWF General Secretary’s statement on Latvian Synod decision
On 3 June the Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia (ELCL) voted in favor of a motion to change its constitution, restricting service in the ordained ministry to men…
(LWI) - Women and youth members of the LWF Council had their Pre-Council meetings on the morning of 16 June. Among the issues discussed at the meetings were the preparation of future Council members for their role in governance, the role of youth…
(LWI) – Inspired by the international dialogue between The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Catholic Church, Malaysia’s Lutherans have initiated discussions for closer collaboration among Christians in the country.
LWF General Secretary Junge shares a vision for the LWF at Asia Pre-Assembly
(LWI) - Addressing The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Asia Pre-Assembly, General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge gave an introduction to the history and identity…
Lutheran World Federation produces new study document
Through its member churches, programs and projects, the Lutheran World Federation has been heavily involved in community-based action for peace and justice and human rights advocacy.…
Workshop for diaconal workers in Latin American churches
(LWI) - A three-day gathering of Lutheran church leaders and diaconal workers from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) confirmed the need for ongoing sharing of strategies and…
Celebrating 25 years of Lutheran women’s ordination in Tanzania’s Northern Diocese
(LWI) - More than 10 percent of ordained pastors in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) are women, and nearly all the church’s 24 dioceses…
LWF General Secretary Martin Junge addresses Church of Norway synod
(LWI) – “I don’t think there ever was a better time to be the church, announcing boldly and joyfully that core message which we know so well,” said The Lutheran World…
The Arcot Lutheran Church commemorates the Reformation
(LWI) Cuddalore, India/Geneva (LWI) – The relevance of Lutheran identity today was the main theme during the Reformation commemoration of the Arcot Lutheran Church (ALC) held in…