It is Ordinary Season, and in Minnesota the sun shines late into Compline as we live in a haze of sweaty clothes, sun-kissed skin, and explosive rumbling storms.
In this LWF Global Communicators Network event we discuss the theoretical implications and effectiveness of using social media in our church communications.
Speakers and Church Communicators
Kylie Chia of the Jurong Christian Church in Singapore
Petter Normann Dille of the Church of Norway
Exploring the trends, advantages and challenges of social media in church communications.
They will talk about using social media as a “marketing” tool for church events as well as a “content sharing" tool, media literacy and the particularities of using social media in their regions.
Learn how four Lutheran communicators create entertaining, informative and engaging radio programs and podcasts for the church.
Director Neng'ida Johhanes-Lairumbe will talk about the social, religious and ecumenical impact of a Lutheran radio broadcast in the Tanzania context. Johhanes-Lairumbe will also share the history of Upendo Radio and what training a communicator needs to manage a radio station.
Podcasters Rebecca Treimer and Christina Kwade will present how the youth-led podcast team of 10 created the GNC podcast “With Body and Soul,” „Mit Leib und Seele“ a program about Lutheran Identity, with absolutely no experience in podcasting. They will share what they learned along the way.
LWF Communication Officer Philippa Hitchen will talk about the history of Vatican Radio, the different styles of radio programming and how to present compelling live-on-air interviews.