UN representative underlines critical role of faith communities in the global fight against sexual and gender-based violence, and Lutheran church leaders share their churches’ response.
(LWI) – The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new urgency to adopting an “Economy of Life.” Global Christian organizations that represent millions of people across the world are calling for action…
"Junge has personified LWF's passion for the church and for the world"
(LWI) – LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge announced today that he will be stepping down from his position on 31 October 2021, three years before his term ends…
Donate to Rapid Response Fund, receive free LWF mask
(LWI) - When the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) worsened globally in March and the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic, several governments requested or mandated that…
"A sustainable way to empower men and women" for the church's ministries
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is calling for scholarship applications for studies and training related to theological, diaconal and development work. “…
In LWF survey member churches report impact of Coronavirus
(LWI) - The Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has posed significant challenges for the member churches of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). A survey in all seven regions revealed…