Thinking It Over

Publication date:
February 2010
Thinking It Over
“Thinking It Over” is a pamphlet series of reflections on theological questions arising for churches of the Lutheran communion.
The short pamphlets address topics as diverse as anger and the church, interfaith economic perspectives and the war in Iraq.
You are encouraged to print, duplicate, translate and use the pamphlets in local settings.
Publisher: The Lutheran World Federation
Department: Department for Theology and Public Witness
Available in: PDF only
Language: English
#1 “Power Politics in Light of the Human Condition”
#2 “The Bible – Word of God?”
#3 “Interfaith Dialogue or Mission?”
#4 “Cruelty: Jesus’ Execution and Two Signposts”
#5 “The Passion of Jesus the Jew”
#6 “Renewing Worship Life: Some Perspectives from Hong Kong”
#7 “Pursuing Neighbor-Love Through Business Activity?”
#8 “A Cauldron of Death … and Hope?”
#9 A “Church for others” in the Midst of Xenophobia
#10 Worship in an African Context of Crisis
#11 Lutheran Ethics at the Intersections of God’s One World
#12 Anger, Dialogue and the Church: Who Sets the Terms?
#13 Where Shall we Stand? A Reflection on the War in Iraq
#14 Hope Amid Absurdity?
#15 My God – Your God – Our God? Christians, Muslims and God
#16 Why a Faith Basis for Human Rights Matters
#17 Human Dignity Comes Before Values
#18 A Lenten Reflection on Need and Nourishment
#19 The High Cost of Food: Familiar Refrains in a New Crisis
#20 Why Are Earth and God Angry?
#21 An Epiphany of a New Era?
#22 Interfaith Perspectives for Economic Life
#23 Sola Scriptura as a Liberating Principle: Reflections from the Global South
#24 Responding to Thinking It Over… Issue #23: A Call For Exegesis And Critical Thinking In Africa
#25 Abusive Sexual Practices: Breaking the Silence in the Church
#26 Dare We Stay Together as a Communion?