New Year Message 2024

New Year Message 2024
Let all you do be done in love
In her New Year message for 2024, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General Secretary Rev. Dr Anne Burghardt reminds Christians of the call to love both God and neighbor. This “double commandment” invites the LWF communion to share Christ’s guiding light in the darkness, offering hope and encouraging “us to go out into the world and serve all people.”
As another year gives way to a new one, the general secretary invites the global Lutheran communion to reflect on how to measure the days of the calendar. Is it “in things achieved and accomplished, in lessons learned, in travels made, in books read? Or in something else?” Citing the Watchword for 2024, “Let all you do be done in love,” she hopes that these words can offer guidance and direction into “how a new year can be measured.”