Council 2014 Documents - Council Exhibits

Publication date:
June 2014
Languages: English

Council 2014 Documents - Council Exhibits

The LWF’s governing body between Assemblies came together for its annual meeting in 2014 under the theme, “Like a Tree Planted by Streams of Water.”

Program highlights included

  • President’s Address & Report from the General Secretary - Spotlight on activities and themes of the past year and future perspectives for the LWF.
  • Keynote Panel on Interfaith Dialogue - A look at interfaith dialogue in Indonesia where 80 percent of the population is Muslim and 16 percent Christian. Both faith traditions were represented on the panel.
  • Reformation 2017 - Planning of programmatic work relating to the 2017 LWF Twelfth Assembly in Namibia and the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

The churches of the LWF National Committee in Indonesia hosted the Council 2014 meeting.

Address of the President Communion: On Being the Church - Report of the Lutheran–Reformed Joint Commission between the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) First Report of the LWF Working Group on Self-Understanding of the Lutheran Communion LWF Annual Report 2013 LWF Communion Office Operational Plan (COOP) 2015-2016 Report of the Assembly Planning Committee | Logo for the Twelfth Assembly | Logo for the Reformation Anniversary | Explanation o Minutes of the Council 2013 Meeting Report of the Chairperson for the Finance Committee Report of the Committee for Advocacy and Public Voice Report of the Committee for Advocacy and Public Voice Public Statements, Letters and Documentation in the Area of International Affairs and Human Rights June 2013 – 15 May 2014 Report of the Committee for Mission and Development Report of the Committee for Theology and Ecumenical Relations Report of the Committee for World Service Report of the General Secretary Annex: LWF Gender Justice Policy - Implementation Process in Member Churches Annex: Invitation to Member Churches to Fast for the Climate Report of the Institute for Ecumenical Research, Strasbourg Report on Implementation of the 2013 Communion Office Operational Plan (COOP) Report of the German National Committee (GNC/LWF) Bericht des DNK/LWB Report of the National Committee in Denmark Report of National Committee in Finland Report of the National Committee in India Report of the National Committee in the Netherlands Report of the Standing Committee for Communication Report of the Standing Committee for Constitution and Membership Resolutions of the Council 2014