LWF remembers Joachim Track as a theologian dedicated to ecumenism and dialogue. He served in LWF governance and committees for many years.

Prof. em. Dr. Joachim Track. Photo: Augustana Hochschule
Remembered for "dedication to ecumenical understanding and dialogue”
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) mourns Prof. em. Dr. Joachim Track, who died on 31 May at the age of 82. The German theologian was committed to ecumenical dialogue and served the LWF as a member of the Council and the Executive Committee from 1997-2010 and as an advisor from 1990-1997.
He also chaired several committees, including the Program Committee for Theology and Studies from 1997-2003 and the Program Committee for Ecumenical Affairs from 2003.
“We remember Joachim Track for his dedication to ecumenical understanding and dialogue, especially to the Lutheran-Roman catholic dialogue,” said LWF Assistant General Secretary for Ecumenical Relations, Prof. Dr. Dirk Lange. “He significantly contributed to bringing about the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification in 1999.”
From 1974 to 2005, Track was a professor of systematic theology and philosophy at the Augustana-Hochschule, the theological seminary of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Bavaria in Neuendettelsau, Germany.
In Germany, Track was a member of the General Synod of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany (VELKD) from 1980-1986. Also, he was a member of the joint Ecumenical Study Committee of the VELKD and the German National Committee (GNC/LWF) from 1991-2010. He chaired the committee from 1998.
The Leading Bishop of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Bavaria, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, will lead the funeral for Joachim Track. It takes place in Hanover, Germany, on 13 June.