LWF congratulates new Malagasy Lutheran Church President Denis Rakotozafy

08 Dec 2020
Malagasy Lutheran Church President Rev. Dr Denis Rakotozafy (kneeling) was installed during Sunday worship in Antananarivo, Madagascar. Photo: MLC

Malagasy Lutheran Church President Rev. Dr Denis Rakotozafy (kneeling) was installed during Sunday worship in Antananarivo, Madagascar. Photo: MLC

Communion’s prayers and solidarity for new leadership team in challenging times 

(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has congratulated Malagasy Lutheran Church (MLC) president Rev. Dr Denis Rakotozafy as he takes office this week, and offered the communion’s “prayers and solidarity” during challenging times.

“We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to empower you and your team with wisdom, courage and knowledge as you take on this responsibility,” wrote Regional Secretary for Africa Rev. Dr Elieshi Mungure, who also conveyed greetings from LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge.

Rakotozafy and four other officials elected at the MLC general assembly in early November were installed on Sunday, 6 December during a worship service in the capital Antananarivo. The new leadership team including Vice-President Rev. Velomahatombo, General Secretary Rev. Kotobesoa, Deputy General Secretary woman theologian Toromare Mananato and Treasurer Dr Andriamanantena Razafiharison, will lead the LWF member church in Madagascar until 2024.

The MLC has experienced some difficult periods this year including the death of its former church president and LWF Council member Rev. Dr David Rakotonirina in July. “To be called a church leader during these times when many people are searching for hope, peace, love and reconciliation can be challenging,” Mungure added.

She also thanked Rev. Octave Benil Andrianjafy for his leadership during the interim period, which was one of the “darkest moments” for the MLC.

Some of the LWF member churches in Africa including the MLC have been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Mungure explained. They continue their bold witness to the gospel as they cope not only with loss of human life, grave illness, but also adapting to the socioeconomic impact of a disease that is still spreading, she added.

The new MLC officials also include Vice-President Rev. Velomahatombo, General Secretary Rev. Kotobesoa, Deputy General Secretary woman theologian Toromare Mananato and Treasurer Dr Andriamanantena Razafiharison. Photo: MLC  


The Malagasy Lutheran Church has 4 million members and it joined the LWF in 1950. 
