LWF Christmas Card: “Christ-anchored hope”

21 Dec 2021
Painting by young Christian artist Swint Sanhtay for the Federation of Lutheran Churches in Myanmar.

Painting by young Christian artist Swint Sanhtay for the Federation of Lutheran Churches in Myanmar.

The Federation of Lutheran Churches in Myanmar contribute art depicting Christmas spirit

(LWI) - The 2021 Christmas card of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) illustrates the power of the Holy Spirit to inspire Christ-anchored hope in Myanmar and the world.  

“This Christmas is more meaningful than ever. God is continuing to strengthen us and showing us that God is in the midst of suffering and in the midst of injustice, with us,” said Mr Luke Andrew, General Secretary of the Federation of Lutheran Churches in Myanmar.  

“This art really spoke to me because it depicts the real essence of hope that we find during Christmas.”  

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

Using the chosen biblical text ““May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13), the artist Ms Seint Sanhtay created a scene guided by scripture and anchored in culture. The art is painted on canvas with acrylic paints and brushes.

“I used the blue because it represents peace, but at the bottom of the painting the blue becomes darker and this represents the darkness of sin. The dove represents the spirit and the people are looking up to the one God in whom we have our hope,” said Sanhtay.  

“As human beings we seek hope from other people - but that is an illusion of hope – in the end the real hope is only to be found in Jesus Christ - anchored in Jesus and prayer,” she continued.

“Myanmar is in need of peace and democracy,” the artist lamented.  

Sanhtay who is studying English at university says that drawing and painting is relaxing and a way to escape the current situation in her country.  

Incorporating Asian culture into the piece was important to Sanhtay because, she said, “Christmas is thought to be Western culturally, so I combined Western, Burmese and Myanmar culture to show that Christmas is for everyone.”  

Every year, the LWF invites member churches to contribute a design for the Christmas card. In 2020, the art was a joint effort between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Suriname and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Guyana.



The Federation of Lutheran Churches in Myanmar brings together the four LWF member churches in the country, namely: Evangelical Lutheran Church in Myanmar (Lutheran Bethlehem Church), Myanmar Lutheran Church, Lutheran Church of Myanmar and the Mara Evangelical Church.    

Download the Christmas Card