Lutheran, Mennonite and Catholic team finalizes report on baptism

20 Sep 2017
The team drafting the final report from the trilateral dialogue, and colleagues supporting them during the meeting in Strasbourg: from left to right; Prof. Theodor Dieter (Lutheran), Prof. John Rempel, Rev. Dr Larry Miller and Prof. Fernando Enns (Mennonite) and Rev. Avelino Gonzalez and Prof. William Henn (Catholic). Photo: Avelino Gonzalez

The team drafting the final report from the trilateral dialogue, and colleagues supporting them during the meeting in Strasbourg: from left to right; Prof. Theodor Dieter (Lutheran), Prof. John Rempel, Rev. Dr Larry Miller and Prof. Fernando Enns (Mennonite) and Rev. Avelino Gonzalez and Prof. William Henn (Catholic). Photo: Avelino Gonzalez

Current phase of trilateral dialogue concludes

(LWI) - A group of theologians met in Strasbourg, 15-19 September, to finalize the report “Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church” of the trilateral dialogue between Lutherans, Mennonites and Catholics.

The drafters, Professors Theodor Dieter (Lutheran), William Henn (Catholic) John Rempel and Fernando Enns (Mennonite) will present a final report to the respective Christian World Communions. This will conclude the current phase of the work of the dialogue commission, which met five times between 2011 and 2017, discussing study reports on baptism.

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), the Catholic Church and the Mennonite World Conference set up the trilateral dialogue to discuss the theme “Baptism and incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church.” During the five years of dialogue, the commission has discussed issues relating to issues such as the relation of baptism to sin and salvation; celebration of baptism and its relation to faith and to membership in the Christian community; and how baptism is lived out in Christian discipleship.

The commission is made of five members each from the three partners, including staff members as co-secretaries. The final report on baptism is expected to be introduced to the LWF at its June 2018 Council meeting.