LWF invites its member churches to nominate young adults (18-30 years) to engage with the climate negotiations in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Nominations close on 21 May 2023.

The LWF delegation joins the march through the venue of the United Nations climate change conference COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, calling for climate justice and urgent action. Photo credit: LWF/Albin Hillert
The fight for a better future
(LWI) - The annual United Nations (UN) conference on climate or COP is a unique space where climate justice advocates can connect with global policy makers and contribute to the discussions that shape international policy.
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is looking to youth in its member churches to lead the communion’s 2023 delegation and advocacy efforts. The LWF is also committed to gender balance in the delegation and ensuring the voices of those most impacted by climate change are heard at decision-making tables.
“Young people of our member churches are doing impressive work advocating for climate justice,” says Elena Cedillo, LWF Program Executive for Climate Justice. “We invite all churches to take part in this important initiative and help shape the future of our planet.”
We invite all churches to take part in this important initiative and help shape the future of our planet.
LWF Program Executive for Climate Justice
Since 2011, youth have led LWF delegations at the Conference of Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Young people also carry out climate justice projects in their communities to raise awareness about climate change. In recent years online engagement has made participation more accessible.
This year, all nominees to COP28 will have the opportunity to participate in the LWF Climate Justice capacity-building program. This includes workshops centered around relevant topics on negotiations at the UN conference, the current state of climate justice, and networking with peers. Members of the delegation will undertake activities in preparation for the conference, during the event itself, and continue engaging afterwards.
Deadline for applications: 21 May 2023