Cameroon: LWF’s solidarity with flood-affected communities

In a pastoral letter to Church of the Lutheran Brethren of Cameroon, the LWF General Secretary extends prayers, compassion, and solidarity with communities in Northern Cameroon ravaged by severe flooding.  

11 Sep 2024
Floods in Cameroon

Floods, caused by heavy rains, impacted the Far North region of Cameroon. Photo: CLBC

General Secretary affirms support toward recovery and rebuilding efforts  

(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has expressed deep sympathy and support for communities devastated by severe flooding in Northern Cameroon.  

In a letter to Rev. Alvius Debsia Dabah, President of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren of Cameroon, LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Anne Burghardt “conveyed LWF’s prayers and compassion for the affected churches and communities, hoping that they would find strength and support during these challenging times.” 

The floods, caused by heavy rains, impacted the Far North region of Cameroon, particularly in Mayo Danaï, Logone et Chari, Mayo Kani, and Diamaré departments. The disaster destroyed over 3,000 hectares of fields, 8,690 homes, and killed 1,200 livestock. Additionally, at least 7 people lost their lives, 8 were injured, and over 155,820 residents were affected. 

Burghardt emphasized the connection between these natural disasters and the global climate crisis, stressing the urgent need for both local and global action to combat climate change. She highlighted the LWF’s ongoing efforts, including the 2024 cross-border Cameroon-Chad project, which focuses on climate adaptation using a transformative gender approach. This initiative aims to address environmental and social issues through conservation agriculture, water management, reforestation, and sustainable fisheries in the Lake Chad Basin. 

The LWF reaffirmed its commitment to assisting in the recovery and rebuilding efforts, urging continued global efforts to mitigate the long-term impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities. 

LWF/P. Mumia