Creation – Not for Sale
The LWF sees care for creation as a core calling and recognizes climate change as a matter of justice and human rights. LWF’s advocacy for climate justice focuses on the protection of the most vulnerable from the impacts of climate change and holding governments accountable to their climate commitments, intergenerational justice, and interfaith collaboration.
Since the 1970s, the LWF has raised a prophetic voice regarding the ecological and climate crisis through resolutions, statements, and action.
Following the call to advocate for climate justice, member churches and World Service programs have put concrete climate action into place across the communion.
Since 2011 when the UN Climate Change Conference COP17 took place in Durban, South Africa, the LWF has sent delegations to these high-level meetings. Here, young people from the Lutheran communion have been at the forefront of LWF’s engagement and critical advocates for climate justice.

"#TimeForAction is Now" reads an official sign at COP25, held in Madrid, Spain, in December 2019. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert
The Lutheran World Federation ... furthers worldwide among the member churches diaconic action, alleviation of human need, promotion of peace and human rights, social and economic justice, care for God’s creation and sharing of resources.
Action for Justice Forum for Climate Justice
The Action for Justice Forum for Climate Justice is the space to convene LWF constituencies for joint discussions, strategizing, and engagement on policy, advocacy, and programmatic work. The forum includes member churches and, where appropriate, country programs and other relevant stakeholders. They work together to support advocacy at national, regional, and global levels to seek constructive ways to attain climate justice and creation care.
The objectives of the Action for Justice Forum for Climate Justice are to
- Facilitate sharing and mutual learning among relevant stakeholders within and outside of the LWF
- Provide a platform for mutual exchange, dialogue, learning, and shared understanding among LWF member churches and country programs
- Provide a platform for joint LWF advocacy campaigns and projects
- Provide a forum to convene LWF member churches, country programs, relevant regional or national institutions, inter-governmental and governmental actors, academic institutions, ecumenical and faith-based organizations, civil society actors to analyze contexts, and mapping needs to plan for Action for Justice themes strategically
- Promote interactive and long-term partnership for advocacy among LWF member churches, country programs, and relevant stakeholders
COP Delegations
- COP29 - Baku, Azerbaijan - 2024 ¶
- COP28 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates - 2023 ¶
- COP27 - Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt - 2022 ¶
- COP 26 - Glasgow, Scotland - 2021 ¶
- COP25 - Madrid, Spain - 2019 ¶
- COP24 - Katowice, Poland – 2018 ¶
- COP23 - Bonn, Germany - 2017 ¶
- COP22 - Marrakech, Morocco - 2016 ¶
- COP21 - Paris, France - 2015 ¶
- COP20 - Lima, Peru - 2014 ¶
- COP19 - Warsaw, Poland - 2013 ¶
- COP18 - Doha, Qatar - 2012 ¶
- COP17 - Durban, South Africa - 2011 ¶
Related Materials
LWF COP29 Expectations and Policy Demands
LWF Staff
- Elena Cedillo, LWF Program Executive for Climate Justice
- Savanna Sullivan, LWF Program Executive for Youth
- Albin Hillert, LWF Communications Officer
- Eugenio Albrecht, LWF Communications Officer
- In person
- Carine Josiéle Wendland -Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil
- Erick Kapira - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
- Gotthard Günter Walter Lemke - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Georgia
- Nathaly Quito - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia
- Romario Dohmann - Evangelical Church of the River Plate
- Saida Mammadova - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Georgia
- Shafag Abdullayeva - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Georgia
- Vera Nesterova - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Georgia
- Online
- Angelious Michael - Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Bijaya Bajracharya - LWF WS Nepal Country Program
- Bishop Rolf Bareis - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Georgia
- Bupe Kibiki - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
- Collins Omundu - LWF WS Kenya Country Program
- Dedi Bakkit Tua Pardosi - LWF National Committee in Indonesia
- Diego Benitez - Mexican Lutheran Church
- Ester N Sakaria - The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia
- Evaena Febrieni Sumbayak - LWF National Committee in Indonesia
- Frank Mbilinyi - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
- Gabriela Giesse - Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil
- Jorge Fernando Lopes da Cunha - Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil
- Laura Saravia - Salvadoran Lutheran Church
- Lilian Kantai - LWF WS Kenya Country Program
- Liza Funete - Evangelical Lutheran church in Zambia
- Martina Wrasse Sherer - Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil
- Mateo Fischer - Evangelical Church of the River Plate
- Nathália Prochnow - Salvadoran Lutheran Church
- Nokulunga Shabalala - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa
- Rachel Goodluck Kenny - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
- Raj Kumar Pariyar - LWF WS Nepal Country Program
- Rev Gabriel Marcano Aguiar - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- Rev. Arisbe Gomez - Salvadoran Lutheran Church
- Sandra Ombese - Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Shede Habila Lutheran Church Of Christ In Nigeria
- Zulamita Cortez - Lutheran Church of Peru
Related Materials
- Forty young climate activists call for results at COP27 climate conference
- COP28: Nominations for LWF delegation open
LWF Staff
- Elena Cedillo, LWF program executive for climate justice
- Amos Mogoi - Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Ampri Samosir - The National Committee LWF Indonesia
- Ana Gabriela Solórzano Gudiel - Guatemala Lutheran Church
- Anania John Ndondole - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
- Andriamanatsoa Olivier Setra - Malagasy Lutheran Church
- Andriamitandrina Harikanto Iangotiana Tobintsoa - Malagasy Lutheran Church
- Anna-Lena Martschinke - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany
- Baissini Athanase - Church of the Lutheran Brethren of Cameroon
- Carine Josiéle Wendland - Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil - IECLB
- Charlotte Horn - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Württemberg
- Christian Muller - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (ELCSA)
- Danae Kukard - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (Cape Church)
- Deoliza Adams- Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia
- Désire-Victor Gaïus Ben-Besoa - Malagasy Lutheran Church
- Elise Skjærven Aas - The Church of Norway
- Enkono, Johannes - The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN)
- Erick Boniphas Kapira - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
- Fan Ho Yin - The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong
- Frida Frans - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Namibia
- Funete Liza - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zambia
- Gabriela Kottová - Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren
- George Yankee Mulbah, Jr - Lutheran Church in Liberia
- Haposan Cornelius Sinaga - Protestant Christian Batak Church (HKBP)
- Jana Esterlová - Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren
- Jerome James Jallah - Lutheran Church in Liberia
- Johannes Hartke - Evangelical Church in Central Germany
- Josephine Queen Zaza - Lutheran Church in Liberia
- Julia Kemunto Ombese - Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Kada Patrice - Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Central African Republic
- Kalala Ilunga Andy - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Congo
- Kermitta Tahyor - Lutheran Church in Liberia
- Keziah Hamman Payami - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (ELCSA)
- Laura Saravia Muñoz - Salvadoran Lutheran Church
- Laura Vilbiks - Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Mackenzie Grygus - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- Madara Clémence - Church of the Lutheran Brethren of Cameroon
- Maro Micah Maua - Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Mateo Gabriel Fischer - Evangelical Church of the River Plate
- Manuel Glenn Retamoza – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- Mbuyu - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Congo
- Mery Lui Gutierrez Osco - Bolivian Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Musa Leonard Dlamini - Malagasy Lutheran Church
- Nathaly Adriana Quito Quintero - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia
- Nokulunga Shabalala - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (ELCSA)
- Ny Aina Ambinintsoa Andrianaivo - Malagasy Lutheran Church
- Ole Andreas Grøtte Børnes - The Church of Norway
- Prabhu Kiran Nulakani - Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Rachel Goodluck Kenny - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania
- Rakotomalala Dimbisoa Iarijaona Sariaka - Malagasy Lutheran Church
- Rakotozafy Fandresena Mbolatiana - Malagasy Lutheran Church
- Randriambololona Ravaka Minoarisoa - Malagasy Lutheran Church
- Raylene Dorianne Williams- Moravian Church in South Africa
- Rose Kamene Peter - Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Sandra Kwamboka Ombese - Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Shanthi Prayuktha Nelaballi - South Andhra Lutheran Church
- Shede Habila - Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria
- Tamar Haddad - The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land
- Tinahy Fanomerantsoa Jaona - Malagasy Lutheran Church
- Veronica Brilliant Manurung - Protestant Christian Batak Church (HKBP)
- Vivien Fanomezantsoa - Malagasy Lutheran Church
- Wiebke Zimmermann - Evangelical - Lutheran Church of Hannover
- Winifred Ruth Williams - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sierra Leone (ELCSL)
- Abishai, Chrio - Christ Lutheran Church, India
- Addaikalanathan, Samuel - Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church (TELC), India
- Ahdenkari, Linnea - Church of Sweden
- Alvarez Campos, Jimena - Guatemala Lutheran Church
- Ashby, Jackson - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- Diaz-Reyes, Taina - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- Dostál, Jan - Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, Czech Republic (attending in person)
- Enkono, Johannes - The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN)
- Fischer, Mateo - Evangelical Church of the River Plate, Agentina
- Götz, Tim - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria, Germany
- Habila, Shede - The Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (attending in person)
- Hamrová, Alžběta - Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, Czech Republic
- Java Mozombite, Rudy - Lutheran Church of Peru
- Kada, Patrice - Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Central African Republic
- Kapira, Erick - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (attending in person)
- Khoo, Janice - Lutheran Church in Singapore
- Kitwa, Cedrick - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Congo
- Koyiaki, Simon - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya
- Kuhnert, Katarina - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- Kunja, Raj - Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church, India (attending in person)
- Manurung, Veronica - Protestant Christian Batak Church (HKBP), Indonesia
- Martschinke, Anna-Lena - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany
- Marwa, Amos - Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Maua, Maro - Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church (attending in person)
- Maupas, Juliette - United Protestant Church of France
- Meloy, Laura - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (attending in person)
- Ndondole, Anania - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
- Ombese, Sandra - Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Quito Quintero, Nathaly - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia
- Reyna, Fatima - Lutheran Church in El Salvador (attending in person)
- Riquelme Lizana, Estefania - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chile
- Schwarz, Michelle - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Saxony, Germany (attending in person)
- Slama, Joanna - The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland
- Slezák, Bence - Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Hungary
- Solórzano Gudiel, Cristina - Guatemala Lutheran Church
- Weaver, Sarah - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- Wehmann, Janika - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Württemberg, Germany
- Wendland, Carine - Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil
- Yawa, Clemence - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon
- Zhakun Oleksandr - German Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine
LWF Staff
- -
- COP27: A small step in the right direction
- Germany: Taking climate action from local to global to local levels
- COP27: “The time to act is now!”
- COP27: Taking LWF’s climate justice engagement to the global level
- Forty young climate activists call for results at COP27 climate conference
- COP27: Call to nominate young people for LWF delegation
- Antonsen, Nora - Church of Norway
- Chun, Sing Long - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong
- de Oliveira Schumann, Natan - Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil
- Dohmann, Romario - Evangelical Church of the River Plate, Argentina
- Domingos, Tsiresy - Lutheran Church in Great Britain
- Gborie, Samuel Sahr - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sierra Leone
- Gómez Neumann, Francisco Javier - Lutheran Church in Chile
- Granozio, Riccardo Miletto - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy
- Hanson, Joshua Austin - Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland
- Huang, Mu-Lin - Lutheran Church of the Republic of China, Taiwan
- Jeppesen, Rikke Høier - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark
- Joel M - The Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church, India
- Kapira, Erick B. - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
- Kuhnert, Katarina (Kata) - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- Lugazia, Rhoda Mutesi Julius - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
- Magwaza, Khulekani - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa
- Martensson, Tova - Church of Sweden
- Martschinke, Anna-Lena - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany
- Maua, Maro Micah - Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Montes Chávez, Graciela Estefany - Salvadoran Lutheran Church
- Munankan, Elijah - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana
- Nainggolan, Ernisa Maranatha - Protestant Christian Batak Church, Indonesia
- Pico Salcedo, Jeimy Katherine - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia
- Quito, Nathaly - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia
- Reichel, Joren N. - Protestant Church in the Netherlands
- Rejakanthan, Rebecca Samala - Lutheran Church in Singapore
- Schwarz, Michelle - Lutheran Church of Saxony, Germany
- Srilatha, Potti - Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church, India
- Taulborg, Marcus - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark
- Vaikum, Viktor - Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia
- Welman, Zuzanna - Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland
- Zuniga Keim, Fernanda - Lutheran Church in Chile
LWF Staff
- Norway: Nordic youth hopes for Krakow Assembly
- COP26: LWF Delegates “disappointed but not disheartened by the lack of results”
- Faith leaders: More must be done to achieve climate justice after COP26
- COP26: Faith organizations call on world leaders to “step up and deliver”
- COP26: Church leaders call for increased ambition for climate justice
- COP26: Call to “keep 1.5 alive” and lift up missing voices
- South Africa: Speaking truth to power with compassion
- COP26: People of faith demand climate justice for the most vulnerable
- LWF youth lead Green Reformation Service
- COP26: Together across faiths, for climate justice
- COP26: LWF’s youth speak out against injustices in the world
- COP26: Thirty-two young people to represent LWF at climate summit
- COP26: Climate crisis requires urgent action
- Faith leaders prepare for COP26: Urgent climate action needed
- Earth Day: Acting to prevent hardship and suffering in the future
- Earth Day: Rethinking our ecological footprint
- Vital to keep up efforts for climate justice
- Facing the climate emergency with faith and action
- Webinar series: Visions for transformative climate action
- COP26 outcomes
- Now not later: Lutheran young adults look at COP26
- COP26: Energy Transition – Compassionate leadership towards a sustainable world
- COP26: Energy Transition – Deciding Our Future
- COP26: Faith in action for climate justice
- Informal interfaith gathering in the spirit of Talanoa dialogue
- COP26: Online workshops for LWF delegates
- LWF delegation at COP26
- Pray for climate justice
- COP26: Call for nominations to LWF youth delegation
- Dialogues to increase climate action - Session 4
- Dialogues to increase climate action - Session 3
- Dialogues to increase climate action - Session 2
- Dialogues to increase climate action - Session 1
- COP26: Together for the planet
- Hope for the future
- The world we want
- Mr Khulekani Magwazah, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, South Africa
- Ms Fernanda Zùñiga, Lutheran Church in Chile, Chile
- Mr Erik Anders Oliver Bohm, Church of Sweden, Sweden
- Ms Stephanie Joy Abnasan, Lutheran Church in Philippines, Philippines
- Mr Sebastian Ignacio Muñoz Oyarzo, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chile, Chile
- Ms Erika Rodning, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Canada
LWF Staff
- Ms Elena Cedillo, LWF Program Executive for Climate Justice,
- Ms. Pranita Biswasi, LWF Youth Secretary, India
- COP25 in pictures
- Indonesia: Advocating for climate justice
- “We must hear the cry of the Earth”
- With human rights in focus at COP25
- A light to overcome darkness, for climate justice
- Young climate activists represent LWF at COP25
- Faith communities mobilize in Madrid on eve of COP25
- No time to build resilience to climate change
- LWF looking forward to COP25 in Spain
- Seeking wisdom to listen to creation and learn from it
- “The wisdom of God woven into the fabric of creation”
- As Climate Summit begins, Churches Call for Action Now!
- Mr Khulekani Magwazah, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, South Africa
- Mr Romario Dohman, Evangelical Church of the River Plate, Argentina
- Mr Wylie Cook, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, USA
- Mr Sindri Geir Oskarsson, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland, Iceland
- Ms Helena Merle Funk, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany, Gemany
- Ms Beata Anna Kolarczyk, Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland, Poland
- Ms Gloria Marthalena Samosir, Protestant Christian Batak Church, Indonesia
LWF Staff
- Ms Pranita Biswasi, LWF Youth Secretary, India
- Mr Fabián Wilches, LWF Senior Advocacy Officer, Colombia
- Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ by caring for our common home
- A strong basis to implement climate agreement but the poor have been left behind
- Climate change destroys livelihoods and ecosystems, LWF delegates remind world leaders
- What is our role as stewards of the Earth?
- Care for creation and future generations key issues for LWF delegation at COP 24
- COP24: Global church bodies urge transformative action to protect the most vulnerable
- On the way to COP24 in Poland
- Paris agreement: “Don’t water it down”
- LWF youth delegation at COP 24
- Inclusive Community Resilience and Confronting Poverty in Africa Workshop
- Mr Sam SUKE, Lutheran Church of Australia, Australia
- Mr Sikiom Sagenan KISKU POLLOB, Bangladesh Northern Evangelical Church, Bangladesh
- Rev. Ida VARTIALA Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, Finland
- Mr Lasse SCHMIDT-KLIE, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover Germany
- Ms Helena Merle FUNK, Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Northern Germany, Germany
- Ms Kathrin NATHO Evangelical Church in Central Germany, Germany
- Mr Sindri Geir OSKARSSON. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland. Iceland
- Mr Edgar TOCLO Lutheran Church in the Philippines, The Philippines
- Ms R.B.Sherly PRIYANKA, United Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India, India
- Mr Daniel Andy Hoffmann SINAGA, Batak Christian Protestant Church, Indonesia
- Mr Khulekani MAGWAZAH, Evangelical Lutheran Church in South Africa, South Africa
LWF Staff
- Ms. Caroline Bader, LWF Youth Secretary, Germany
Event: “Creation- not for sale” - LWF delegation at COP 23
- Mr Biruk Kebede ABETEW , LWF Ethiopia, Ethiopia
- Ms Mami Brunah ARO SANDANIAINA , Malagasy Lutheran Church, Madagascar
- Mr Pascal KAMA, The Lutheran Church of Senegal, Senegal
- Ms Lily KWAW, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana, Ghana
- Ms Ditebogo Caroline LEBEA, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, South Africa
- Mr Khulekani Sizwe MAGWAZA, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, South Africa
- Ms Mari SALL Mari SALL, LWF Mauretania, Mauretania
- Mr Cedrick YUMBA KITWA , Evangelical Lutheran Church in Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo
- People of faith listening to the cries of the earth
- Connecting the local to the global at climate conference
- Advocates urge transition to low-carbon economy, clean energy
LWF Staff
- Mr. Martin Junge, LWF General Secretary, Chile
- Mr. Martin Kopp, LWF Climate Justice Advocacy Officer, France
- Ms. Caroline Bader, LWF Youth Secretary, Germany
- Climate justice must be prioritized, say ACT Alliance, the Lutheran World Federation and the World Council of Churches
- Faith leaders rally for signature of ambitious climate agreement
- Paris climate agreement hailed by ecumenical leaders
- Churches stand side by side in fight against climate change
- “Leave no one behind”
- Faith leaders urge action at UN climate talks
- Nearly 2 million people-of-faith petition on the eve of COP21
- UN climate summit results vital for world’s future
- Climate change is not an abstract reality for the Lutheran communion
- 500 trees, 500 faces for the Reformation anniversary
- Getting ready for a “Climate Train” to Paris
- LWF joins faith communities’ call for ambitious Paris outcome
- French religious leaders meet President Hollande on climate change
- LWF Welcomes U.S. and China Agreement on Climate Change, Hopes for Global Accord in 2015
- Mr Jeff Buhse, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Canada
- Ms Pranita Biswasi, Jeypore Evangelical Lutheran Church, India
- Ms Martha Spangler, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, USA
- Mr Leiff Andersen, Church of Norway, Norway
- Ms Matilda Mattson, Church of Sweden, Sweden
- Mr Luis Flores, Lutheran Church of Peru, Peru
- Mr Warime Guti, ELC-PNG, Papua-New Guinea
- Mr Martin Kopp, Union of Protestant Churches of Alsace and Lorraine, France
LWF Staff
- Ms. Caroline Bader, LWF Youth Secretary, Germany
- Increased LWF Advocacy Needed after Unambitious "Lima Call for Climate Action"
- LWF Delegation Joins Human Chain in Solidarity with Climate Vulnerable Communities
- 365 days of fasting launched at COP20
- LWF Launches Day of Fasting for the Climate
- LWF Youth Delegation to Advocate for Climate Change at UN Conference in Lima
- Ms Pranita Biswasi, Jeypore Evangelical Lutheran Church-United Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India; India
- Ms Raquel Kleber, Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil, Brazil
- Mr Martin Kopp, Union of Protestant Churches of Alsace and Lorraine, France
- Ms Matilda Mattson, Church of Sweden, Sweden
- Ms Rose Stephens-Booker, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, USA
- Mr Piotrek Sztwiertnia, Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland, Poland
- Mr Elija Zina, Lutheran Church in Liberia, LWF Council member, Liberia
LWF Staff
- Ms. Caroline Bader, LWF Youth Secretary, Germany
- Nahun STÜRTZ , United Evangelical Lutheran Church, Argentina
- Ms Raquel Kleber, Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil, Brazil
- Mr Warime Guti, ELC-PNG, Papua-New Guinea
- Ms Anila Esther RAVI SAMSON, United Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India, India
- Ms Iwona Anna BARANIEC, Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland, Poland
- Mr Chris Böer,Evangelical Lutheran Church of Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany
- Mr Jeff Buhse, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Canada
- Mr Leiff Andersen, Church of Norway, Norway
- Ms Eun-Hae KWON, Lutheran Church in Korea, South Korea (LWF Council)
- Mr Joakim Book Jönsson, Church of Sweden, Sweden
- Ms Raquel Kleber, Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil, Brazil
- Mr Sean Darryn Kuryszczuk, Evangelical Lutheran Church in South Africa, South Africa
- Mr Hierald Edgardo Osorto, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, USA
- Mr Mike Lulanga, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi, Malawi
- Mr Viktor Liszka,The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary, Hungary
LWF Staff
- Rev Roger Schmidt, LWF Youth Secretary, Germany
- Young people for Ecojustice at the Climate Change Summit in Durban
- Young people have put Ecojustice to the agenda of their churches and societies
Resources and Publications
- Creation - Not for Sale ( EN | DE | ES | FR | Estonian )
- Fasting for Climate Justice - A Lutheran Perspective ( EN | DE | ES | FR )
- Climate Hero - The Climate Justice Game of the Lutheran World Federation Youth
- LWF together green and just ( EN )
- LWF together the Earth needs you ( EN | DE | ES | FR | BA )
- Good Creation and Climate Change - A resource for reflection and discussion ( EN )
- Good Creation and Climate Change - Spiritual and Ethical Perspectives ( EN )
- Climate Change: Facing our Vulnerability ( EN | DE ) -
- LWI#5 - Special: Climate Change from the Lutheran World Information PDF edition - 2008
- Youth Toolkit on Climate Change ( EN )
- Guiding Principles for Sustainable Development ( EN | DE | ES | FR )
- Environmental Guidelines
- Concern for Creation - Voices on the Theology of Creation ( EN )
- The liberation of creation and the myth of unlimited growth ( EN | DE )

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