Pray for climate justice
Pray for climate justice
On the road to the upcoming Conference of Parties (COP) to the Paris Agreement on climate change, the LWF joins people of faith in praying for a change of heart and mind towards more climate justice-oriented thinking.
You are welcome to join this prayer service to stand together in unity and #Pray4COP26.
This prayer is led by members of the LWF Global Young Reformers Netowrk.
The LWF is part of the Global Prayer and Action Chain for Climate Justice that initiated this prayer.
Prayer will be held online via Zoom
Webinar ID: 836 4224 8186
Webinar Passcode: 784772

A young man holds a cross during morning prayer with the Lutheran World Federation delegates on day one of COP25 in Madrid. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert