Workshop on the Capacity for Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response
Workshop on the Capacity for Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response
Workshop with the Lutheran Church of Peru
Many LWF member churches operate in disaster-prone contexts. If a tsunami, an earthquake or a sudden violent outbreak hits, churches have to be prepared and know how to respond to such emergency situations.
The overall objective of the workshop is to enhance participants’ understanding and skills for improved engagement in humanitarian response. An important element of the training is theological reflection on disaster preparedness and emergency response. Through biblical stories participants gain a deeper understanding of the church’s role in the face of human loss and suffering – and explore common ground between faith and humanitarian principles in a people-centered approach which affirms the dignity of every person. They acquire practical skills relating to psychosocial support, risk analysis and contingency planning, and learn about other humanitarian networks and actors in their context.
DRR & Emergency Preparedness and Response
Department: Department for Mision and Development with Department for World Service
Program: Capacity for Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response (CDPER)
Languages: Spanish

A woman from Bhajani Municipality, in Kailali district in the far western part of Nepal cooks food at waterlogged premises. Photos: LWF/ P. Maharjan