Women on the Move - From Wittenberg to Windhoek
Women on the Move - From Wittenberg to Windhoek
Women on the Move - From Wittenberg to Windhoek (WMWW) is a movement that coordinates different initiatives developed by the women's networks in the LWF communion to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.
In preparation for the celebration of this historic event, an international working group will assemble and plan strategies designed to establish the following thematic areas:
- The empowerment of women in leadership and decision making
- The implementation and contextualization process of the Gender Justice Policy
- Women doing theology
- Her-stories: Telling women stories and experiences in the on-going Reformation
By working in collaboration during the first meeting, participants hope to:
- Establish processes and actions that ensure women are empowered and supported in leadership roles
- Propose strategies that ensure that the LWF Gender Justice policy is implemented at all levels of the communion
- Develop an approach that ensures women theologians receive proper visibility
- Identify regional/global projects that ultimately create more Her-stories
Department: DTPW
Program: WICAS—women’s empowerment and gender justice
Language: English

11:00 - 19:00