Webinar: International Human Rights Day
Webinar: International Human Rights Day
A faith imperative for Human Rights
Is there a contradiction between religion and human rights?
All human beings are born with equal and inalienable rights and fundamental freedoms. Yet, more than seventy years on from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the struggle continues for these principles to be truly universal. The language of human rights is increasingly contested and controversial, within the world of international policy making but also within religious institutions and faith communities. Some faith actors may even consider human rights to be a secular and western concept.
This virtual event aims to surface these tensions and explore what lies behind them. The goal is to encourage engagement in open and positive conversations around faith and human rights advocacy and to show how a holistic approach to human rights can contribute to the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.
This webinar has been organized in partnership with Side by Side, Act Alliance, Act Church of Sweden, the Anglican Communion, the World Council of Churches, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Christian Aid and Religions for Peace.
Opening remarks:
- Rev. Dr Martin Junge, General Secretary, Lutheran World Federation.
- Eva Ekelund, Act Church of Sweden.
Panel speakers:
- Deepika Singh, Religions for Peace, Gloria Mafole, Christian Council of Tanzania and Side by Side Tanzania, Patrick Watt, Christian Aid, Hanbeet Rhee, Thursdays in Black, World Council of Churches.
Respondent and Q&A Moderator:
- Rev. Lusmarina Campos Garcia, ACT Alliance.
Closing remarks:
- Daniel Seymour, UN Women.
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Photo: LWF/C. Kästner