United Against Gender-Based Violence
United Against Gender-Based Violence
The 2022 16 Days campaign kicks off with a panel discussion that will explore opportunities to harness ecumenical assets and networks to end violence against women and girls (VAWG).
The discussion will also explore how ecumenical organizations in South Africa have tapped into national discourse on VAWG to strengthen their work.
In line with the 2022 global theme that calls for unity and concrete action, ecumenical partners will share good practices on what has worked in different contexts starting from the grassroots.
The launch will take place on the sidelines of a Gender-Based Violence and 16 Days roundtable convened by the Council for World Mission.
Registration deadline: 14 November

Participants at a 2022 Women's Human Rights Advocacy Training session, at the Ecumenical Center in Geneva (Swizerland). Photo: LWF/S. Gallay