Studying Ecumenism in Strasbourg
Studying Ecumenism in Strasbourg
Autumn Study Course at the Institute for Ecumenical Research
This online course will explore major ecumenical developments of the past sixty years, with a focus on relations between Lutherans and Roman Catholics, Mennonites, Orthodox and Pentecostals.
Participants will be asked to report on relations between the churches in their own countries, discussing challenges and developing tools to promote a rapprochement between churches in the different contexts.
With a maximum of 20 participants, it will also serve to strengthen ties and promote communion building among LWF member churches.
Since 1965, the Institute in Strasbourg has been working to provide theological analysis and advice to serve the world’s Lutheran churches as they seek to move forward on the path towards Christian unity.
Open to all, with endorsement of church leadership.

The Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg. Photo: Denis Leypold