Season of Creation 2019

Season of Creation 2019

1 Sep – 4 Oct 2019
Open to All

The Web of Life: Biodiversity

The ecumenical Season of Creation lasts from 1 September (Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation) until 4 October (Feast day of St. Francis), is an invitation to engage in a month of prayer, symbolic acts and campaigns to give thanks for creation and renew your human vocation to care for it.

The theme for 2019 is the Web of Life, and this year’s resource equips us to encounter the biodiversity of our local ecology, and promote ways in which we can protect it. The land, animals, plants, minerals and all of creation are good, and necessary to sustain life. The Covenant that God made for Noah was established between God and all of creation. This year’s resource equips you to renew that covenant, and reclaim your place in the web of life. It offers an ecumenical prayer service that you can host in your parish or congregation, background information on the importance of biodiversity, and links to more information about campaigns and practices to protect the land as local habitats to nurture the local diversity of plants and animals.

The Season of Creation will end with an online, international, ecumenical prayer service on 4 October, hosted by the LWF and our Season of Creation partners.


Languages: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese

Location: Online event


Find the Season of Creation Celebration Guide

Read more 2019 Season of Creation guide now available (LWI) - The...

Celebrating creation’s ‘Web of Life’

Photo: Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Photo: Aaron Burden on Unsplash

1 Sep – 4 Oct 2019
-All day

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