Reformation Day 2019
Reformation Day 2019
Churches around the globe hold services marking Reformation Day
To mark the 20th anniversary of the landmark ecumenical document, the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ), Catholic and Lutheran leaders celebrated together in Geneva’s St Pierre Cathedral in June with representatives of Anglican, Methodist and Reformed churches who have also affirmed the historic agreement. For their shared worship service, they used an ecumenical liturgy, available on-line in four languages, which all Lutheran churches are encouraged to adapt for their own needs as they mark Reformation Day.
Prayer Service for the 20th anniversary of the JDDJ

Gathered in Saint Peter's Cathedral in central Geneva, five Christian traditions celebrate the 20th anniversary of the historic Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification. Through a prayer service, leaders of Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Methodist, Reformed and Anglican global church bodies reaffirm their commitment to u