“One Body, One Spirit, One Hope” Reformation Day Global Prayer

“One Body, One Spirit, One Hope” Reformation Day Global Prayer

31 Oct 2020
Open to All

LWF Youth lead global Reformation prayer

In this time of physical distancing, the Lutheran World Federation will gather online to unite in prayer on Reformation Day 2020. LWF Youth from around the world will lead our liturgy that focuses on baptism, which reconciles us to God and all creation. By water and Word, the one Spirit unites us through time and space into one body of Christ, and enlightens us with one hope to live our vocation in trust and courage. We will hear messages of hope from around the world and dance to music by Grupo Anima, theology students at Faculdades EST, Brazil.


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Event languages: English, Spanish, French, German


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Reformation Day 2020


16 June 2019, Geneva, Switzerland: Gathered in Saint Peter's Cathedral in central Geneva, Emma van Dorp, a theology student from the Reformed congregation, lights five symbolic candles on the altar as the church leaders affirm the 'wish to make more visible our common witness in worship and service, on our journey together towards visible unity.' Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

16 June 2019, Geneva, Switzerland: Gathered in Saint Peter's Cathedral in central Geneva, Emma van Dorp, a theology student from the Reformed congregation, lights five symbolic candles on the altar as the church leaders affirm the 'wish to make more visible our common witness in worship and service, on our journey together towards visible unity.' Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

17:00 - 18:00

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