LWF Asia Lutheran Identity Seminar 2019
LWF Asia Lutheran Identity Seminar 2019
The Asia Lutheran Identity Seminar seeks to fulfill TWO main objectives this year:
- At the Asian Church Leaders Consultation 2017 (Manila), the majority of the member churches in Asia stated that one of their ministry priorities is facing up to the challenges brought about by the Pentecostal and charismatic movements within their countries. These ‘renewal’ movements pose a serious challenge to their own Lutheran faith, and have deeply affected their churches. Therefore, this year’s ALIS aims to seek a deeper understanding on the third article, “We believe in the Holy Spirit” by exploring how the person and the work of Holy Spirt forms our Lutheran identity.
- ALIS 2019 will be a preparation for our Asian participants for the global conference on perspectives on contemporary Lutheran identity, to be held in Addis Ababa in October 2019. The study materials for the global conference will form the basis for the Asian seminar in Hong Kong.
Invitation: By invitation only
Language: English
Department: Department for Mission and Development

Closing service of the Asian Lutheran Identity Seminar in Hong Kong, 2017. Photo: LWF/P. Lok
2 May – 6 May 2019
-All day