Interreligious Campaign “Precious in Gods’ Eyes”

Interreligious Campaign “Precious in Gods’ Eyes”

25 Nov – 10 Dec 2017
Open to All

16 Days of Activism to Overcome Gender-Based Violence

When it comes to violence against women, a discourse grounded on human rights principles, the national laws and the judiciary mechanisms to face this scourge is necessary to address key dimensions of gender-based violence. However, a unified voice from faith communities and a clear engagement from their leaders are also needed to emphasize that women are not only equal before the law, but also made equal in the image of God.

Religious and lay Christian and Muslim leaders who are part of the campaign “precious in God’s eyes” affirm that overcoming sexual and gender-based violence is rooted in an understanding of justice rooted in faith and not only a private issue or a task for political or legal instances.

By being part of the “Precious in Gods Eyes” Campaign, faith communities say NO to human trafficking, rape, domestic violence, child and forced marriage, honour crimes, female genital mutilation and other types of abuse.

How to join?

You are invited to affirm that every human being is precious in God's eyes – and that includes women and girls. Download the Pledge Card  and post your pledge in the Facebook event or on social media, using the hashtag #16Days.

25 Nov – 10 Dec 2017
-All day

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