International Youth Day
International Youth Day
International Youth Day 2019 theme “Transforming Education”
The United Nations, since 2000, has declared 12th of August as the International Youth Day. This is to raise awareness about the issues of young people in different countries. Organizations working with young people are invited to highlight the efforts of young people in creating a better world.
This year the Lutheran World Federation, World Council of Churches and World Student Christian Federation will observe together in Geneva, Switzerland the International Youth Day with the theme “Transforming Education”.
Education is one of the LWF Youth priorities and is a key to address various challenges facing our common humanity. Inclusive and accessible education is main components of our work.
This event aims to provide spaces for the young people to express their views on different issues through intentional intergenerational dialogue.
Follow the livestream of this event at
Please follow, comment and share using #LWFYouth #YouthDay #TransformingEducation #SDG4 on social media and join us on our profiles:
Open to Geneva based young people
Registration deadline
1st August 2019
LWF Youth desk

Council youth members, 17 June 2019, Geneva, Switzerland. Photo: LWF/S. Gallay