Inequality and Climate Change in a time of Pandemic: Public Webinar

Inequality and Climate Change in a time of Pandemic: Public Webinar

14 Sep 2020
Open to All

Zacchaeus Tax and Jubilee Now! GEM School 2020

This webinar will explore how taxation, reparations and debt cancellation could contribute to shaping an Economy of Life in the current landscape, marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, widening socio-economic inequalities and a burgeoning climate emergency. The event will offer faith-rooted and gender-just perspectives, as well as share concrete proposals as part of the ecumenical #ZacTax and Jubilee campaigns.


  • Dr Manuel ‘Butch’ Montes is from the Philippines and lives in the USA. He works with the Society for International Development and is a member of the Ecumenical Panel on a New International Financial and Economic Architecture.
  • Rev. Suzanne Membe Matale is from Zambia. She is a tax justice activist, a pastor, and a commissioner of the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation.
  • Rev Dr Iva Carruthers is from the USA. She is the General Secretary of the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference.
  • Rev James Bhagwan is from Fiji. He presently serves as the General Secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches.



Register for the Zoom webinar

Registration deadline: 13 September 2020

Rev. Suzanne Membe Matale addresses a panel on ‘Taxation and Reparation: Tools for promoting equity, climate justice & an economy of life’ at a side event during a 2019 UN High-Level Political Forum on the SDGs. Photo: ELCA/Rebecca Anderson

Rev. Suzanne Membe Matale addresses a panel on ‘Taxation and Reparation: Tools for promoting equity, climate justice & an economy of life’ at a side event during a 2019 UN High-Level Political Forum on the SDGs. Photo: ELCA/Rebecca Anderson

18:00 - 19:30

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