Induction of Newly Elected Leaders
Induction of Newly Elected Leaders
The program will help newly elected church leaders to exercise strong ministry in their churches by addressing the central dimensions of transformative leadership and good governance. It is also aimed at building and strengthening their capacity to make visible the church’s engagement in ecumenical relationships and in the public sphere.
The activity addresses dimensions such as Lutheran identity, Lutheran self-understanding, ecumenical commitment and witness, transformative diakonia, transformative leadership (management, accountability and transparency), relationship building, ecclesiology, liturgy, and religion and development.
The first week is in Geneva and it will be developed in the Ecumenical Center
The second week is in Wittenberg (October 03 – October 09)
Colleg Wittenberg GmbH
Address: Jüdenstrasse 8
06886 Lutherstadt
Wittenberg, Germany
Phone: + 49 (0)3491- 87 55 220
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Asian Lutheran church leaders at the 2015 regional gathering in Taiwan. Photo: JC Valeriano